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hundred, thousand和million的用法

hundred, thousand和million的用法

  (1) 用单数的场合


  He was prepared to pay two million. 他愿意支付200万。

  More than a hundred people were injured. 有一百多人受了伤。

  但是,当这些词后面的名词有了the, these, those等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。如:

  About three hundred of them have left there. 他们当中约有300人离开了那儿。

  (2) 用复数的场合


  The sun was shining. Thousands of people were lying on the beach. 阳光灿烂,数以千计的人躺在海滩上。

  A careless mistake cost the company millions of pounds. 一个粗心的错误使公司蒙受数百镑的损失。