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存在句 there be句式时态问题

存在句 there be句式时态问题

  存在句 there be句式时态问题

  there be句式的时态由其中的谓语动词be来体现,它可以有等多种时态形式:


  There is still room for improvement. 还有改进余地。

  There is nothing to be done now. 现在没有办法了。

  There is (some) milk in the fridge. 冰箱里有一些牛奶。

  If there is any problem, let me know. 如果有什么问题可以通知我。


  There's going to be trouble. 要出事了。

  There will be rain next week. 下星期要下雨。

  There will be bloodshed tonight. 今晚会发生流血事件。

  There is going to be [will be] an English film tonight. 今晚将有一场英语电影。

  There will follow an interval of five minutes. 接着将有五分钟的休息时间。

  There will be a perfectly logical explanation for all those deaths. 对所有那些死因都将会有一个完全合乎逻辑的解释。


  There was a lot to be done. 有很多事要做。

  There wasn't any change in him. 他没有什么变化。

  There was a third reason for haste. 匆忙行事还有第三个理由。

  There was nothing to fear from that quarter. 那方面没有什么可怕的。

  There were some children swimming in the river. 有些小孩在河里游泳。

  There were lots of complaints about the boys, but none about the smoke. 对这些男孩有许多抱怨,但没有关于抽烟的抱怨。


  There have been a lot of inquiries. 提出的询问有很多。

  There have been a lot of enquiries. (from www.yingyuyufa.com)进行过许多调查。

  There have been many such accidents. 已发生了好几起那样的事故。

  There have been several break-ins this year. 今年发生了好几起强行入室盗窃事件。

  There has been an increase in the number of road incidents recently. 最近交通事故的数目有增加。

  There have a lot of bad luck lately. 最近发生了一些变化。

  There has been little business between the two companies. 这两家公司之间几乎没有什么业务往来。


  There had been many such occasions. 曾有许多这种情况。

  There had been two sea fights between them. 他们之间发生了两场海战。

  There had been two sea fights between them. 他们之间发生了两场海战。


  There would be endless rows if I was at home. 如果我在家会有吵不完的架。

  Then there would be a plebiscite. 那么就会举行公民投票。

  Tom didn't say that there would be a demonstration. 汤姆没说要举行示威游行。

  There would never again be a love such as she had felt for Alex. 永远也不人再有她对爱丽克斯所拥有的那种爱了。